Friday, July 1, 2011

A Journey to Losing Weight for the Lazy Bum

Day 1: Motivation

Where is it? Apparently, it only visits those with a personal trainer/gym membership/ enthusiastic friends/ or a lot to lose. Those who actually have will power, have this magical ability to summon the beast whenever they please. Damn them. Once again, life has decided to leave me hanging. Let's take a vain example like weight. I've been telling myself that I can into shape and look fabulous this summer. This is going to be the summer I finally pull it off and get to a healthy weight. Being in the Healthcare field, weight isn't just not looking right. I also know all the annoying risks it puts people in. My family history doesn't help much either *blows bangs out of eyes*.

What's that? You're bored? Suck it up. I'm sure 80% of people in the States are in the same situation right at this very moment. Yup. Back to the story. It turns out that I'm a lazy bum. No joke. Ever since graduation, all I've wanted to do is nothing. Actually, no. That's a lie. I wanted to do several things. I just never gotten around to it. Every night I would go to bed thinking that in the morning I'm going to finally accomplish something. Sadly, my lazy bum self has become surgically attached to my chair. I find the stupidest excuses to do nothing. "I deserve a break". "I'll start fresh tomorrow 1st thing in the morning." "It's too windy out". "The news is on." "The ice cream man just passed by." Yea, the list goes on.

So, it's July 1st. Two months until the end of Summer. Two months to reach my true potential. To be my best. Face it, shit happens. Life decides to plop down little, ugly droppings whenever it pleases. All we can do is run after it with a sheet of Bounty in hand. You know what some wise old guy said, "baby steps". He was probably referring to the literal meaning of the phrase. 10 pounds in 2 months doesn't seem impossible does it? In order to lose fat, we have to work out for at least 1 and a half hours 5 days a week. Apparently, those little fat globules are safe and sound before than. Who the hell has that kind of time or energy??!

Well, there you have it. I spent all this time writing this ridiculously long blog post when I could've been prancing around like a fish out of water in an effort to workout. W00t.

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